The V.L. Ginzburg Center for High-Temperature Superconductivity and Quantum Materials was organized as a scientific division of the FIAN in 2017 by order of the Director No. 230 dated 06/29/2017, on the basis of the Department of High-Temperature Superconductivity and Nanostructures of the FIAN; the head of both the previous and new structural divisions is a Doctor of Physico-mathematical Sciences, member.- Correspondent. RAS Vladimir Moiseevich Pudalov.
The center is located on the territory of the FIAN in a building (building No. 10), which was specially designed, reconstructed and equipped with equipment and infrastructure for scientific research. Since 2007, the Center’s staff has been actively involved in the design, supervision of construction work, installation of equipment, its commissioning and trial operation. The initial stages of the Center’s creation are described in more detail in the article: History of Science and Technology, No. 4, 81, 2009
The main scientific function of the Center is the experimental study of fundamental problems of high-temperature superconductivity (HTS) and materials with a non-trivial topology of the electronic structure.
The Center simultaneously performs the functions of a Collective Use Center (CCG), carrying out work on experimental equipment at the request of external users.
Educational functions – preparation of bachelor’s, master’s and postgraduate students, including in the framework of the MIPT educational Program “Physics of Superconductivity and Quantum Materials”