Topological Insulators and van der Waals Heterostructures


    • Y. Matyushkin, M.Moskotin, Y. Rogov, A. Kuntsevich, G. Goltsman and G. Fedorov, Single-particle states spectroscopy in individual carbon nanotubes with an aid of tunneling contacts, Appl. Phys. Lett., 120, 083104 (2022); DOI: 10.1063/5.0080093
    • C. Rittmann, M. Yu. Petrov, A. N. Kamenskii, K. V. Kavokin, A. Yu. Kuntsevich, Yu. P. Efimov, S. A. Eliseev, M. Bayer, and A. Greilich, Unveiling the electron-nuclear spin dynamics in an n-doped InGaAs epilayer by spin noise spectroscopy, Phys. Rev, B 106, 035202 (2022)
    • A.Yu.Klokov, N.Yu.Frolov, A.I.Sharkov, S.N.Nikolaev, M.A. Chernopitssky, S.I.Chentsov, M.V.Pugachev, A.I.Duleba, A.V.Shupletsov, V.S.Krivobok, and A.Yu.Kuntsevich, 3D Hypersound Microscopy of van der Waals Heterostructures, Nano Letters 22 (5), 2070–2076 (2022); DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c00003
    • Almoalem, I. Silber, S. Sandik, M. Lotem, A. Ribak, Y. Nitzav, A. Yu. Kuntsevich, O. A. Sobolevskiy, Yu. G. Selivanov, V. A. Prudkoglyad, M. Shi, L. Petaccia, M. Goldstein, Y. Dagan, and A. Kanigel, ”Link between superconductivity and a Lifshitz transition in intercalated Bi2Se3”, Phys. Rev. B 103, 174518 (2021).
    • Pugachev Mikhail V; Duleba Aliaksandr I; Galiullin Arslan A.; Kuntsevich Aleksandr Y., “Micromask Lithography for Cheap and Fast 2D Materials Microstructures Fabrication”, Micromachines 12(8), 850 (2021).
    • M. I. Bannikov, R. S. Akzyanov, N. K. Zhurbina, S. I. Khaldeev, Yu. G. Selivanov, V. V. Zavyalov, A. L. Rakhmanov, and A. Yu. Kuntsevich, Breaking of Ginzburg-Landau description in the temperature dependence of the anisotropy in a nematic superconductor Phys. Rev. B 104, L220502 (2021)
    • Y.G. Selivanov, V.P. Martovitskii, M.I. Bannikov, A.Y. Kuntsevich, “Effect of Sr Doping on Structural and Transport Properties of Bi2Te3” Materials 14(24), 7528 (2021)
    • A. S. Kazakov, A. V. Galeeva, A. I. Artamkin, A. V. Ikonnikov, L. I. Ryabova, S. A. Dvoretsky, N. N. Mikhailov, M. I. Bannikov, S. N. Danilov & D. R. Khokhlov, “Distinction between electron states formed at topological insulator interfaces with the trivial phase and vacuum”, Sci Rep 11, 11638 (2021).
    • A. S. Kazakov, A. V. Galeeva, A. V. Ikonnikov, D. E. Dolzhenko, L. I. Ryabova, N. N. Mikhailov, S. A. Dvoretskiy, M. I. Bannikov, S. N. Danilov & D. R. Khokhlov. “Roles of Elements of a Heterostructure Based on the Topological Phase of Hg1 –xCdxTe in the Effect of PT-Symmetric Terahertz Photoconductivity”. JETP Lett. 113, 542–546 (2021).
    • A. S. Kazakov, A. V. Galeeva, A. I. Artamkin, A. V. Ikonnikov, L. I. Ryabova, S. A. Dvoretsky, N. N. Mikhailov, M. I. Bannikov, S. N. Danilov & D. R. Khokhlov. “Non-local terahertz photoconductivity in the topological phase of Hg1−xCdxTe” Sci Rep 11, 1587 (2021).
    • D.P. Pavlov, N.N. Garif’yanov, M.I. Bannikov, T.M. Salikhov, V.M. Mukhortov, R.F. Mamin, V.V. Kabanov, “Properties of the interface of Ba0.8Sr0.2TiO3/LaMnO3 heterostructure”, FERROELECTRICS 575, 123-129 (2021)
    • A. Yu. Kuntsevich, G. V. Rybal’chenko, V. P. Martovitskii , M. I. Bannikov , Yu. G. Selivanov , S. Yu. Gavrilkin , A. Yu. Tsvetkov , and E. G. Chizhevskii, Effect of Barium Codoping on Superconductivity in SrxBi2Se3, JETP Letters, 111, No. 3, pp. 151–156 (2020) DOI: 10.1134/S002136402003008X
    • A. Yu. Kuntsevich, G. M. Minkov, A. A. Sherstobitov, Y. V. Tupikov, N. N. Mikhailov, and S. A. Dvoretsky, Density of states measurements for the heavy subband of holes in HgTe quantum wells, Phys. Rev. B 101, 085301 (2020)
    • A. Yu. Kuntsevich, A. V. Shupletsov, and A. L. Rakhmanov, Simple mechanism that breaks the Hall-effect linearity at low temperatures, Phys. Rev. B 102, 155426 (2020).
    • М.А. Акмаев, М.В.Кочиев, А.И.Дулебо, М.В.Пугачев, А.Ю.Кунцевич, В.В.Белых, Неэкспоненциальная динамика фотолюминесценции неоднородного экситонного ансамбля в монослоях WSe2, Письма в ЖЭТФ, том 112, вып. 10, с. 650 – 657 c (2020) DOI: 10.31857/S1234567820220048
    • V. P. Martovitskii, Yu. G. Selivanov , and A. Yu. Kuntsevich, Vicinal Growth as a Possible Structural Source of the Nematic Superconductivity in SrxBi2Se3, Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute, 2020, Vol. 47, No. 4, pp. 119–122 DOI: 10.3103/S1068335620040065
    • Kuntsevich AY, Tupikov E ; Dvoretsky SA ; Mikhailov NN ; Reznikov M , Magnetic Susceptibility Measurements in HgTe Quantum Wells in a Perpendicular Magnetic Field JETP LETTERS 111(11) 633-638 DOI: 10.1134/S0021364020110041
    • Kazakov, A. S., Galeeva, A. V., Dolzhenko, D. E., Ryabova, L. I., Bannikov, M. A., Mikhailov, N. N., … & Khokhlov, D. R., Radiofrequency Photoconductivity in Hg 1− x Cd x Te Based Heterostructures. JETP Letters, 112(4), 246-249. (2020). DOI:10.1134/S0021364020160067
    • Galeeva, A. V., Kazakov, A. S., Artamkin, A. I., Dvoretsky, S. A., Mikhailov, N. N., Bannikov, M. I., Khokhlov, D. R., Transport Features in the Topological Phase Hg 0.87 Cd 0.13 Te under Terahertz Photoexcitation. Semiconductors, 54(9), 1064-1068. (2020). DOI: 10.1134/S1063782620090109
    • Galeeva, A. V., Kazakov, A. S., Artamkin, A. I., Ryabova, L. I., Dvoretsky, S. A., Mikhailov, N. N., Bannikov, MI … & Khokhlov, D. R. Apparent PT-symmetric terahertz photoconductivity in the topological phase of Hg 1− x Cd x Te-based structures. Scientific reports, 10(1), 1-7 (2020). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-59280-0
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