Measuremenmts at High Pressure and Ultra-high Magnetic Fields

Measurements on 21T cryomagnetic system

Strong magnetic fields and high pressures are powerful and effective tools for investigating the transport and thermodynamic properties of superconducting and quantum materials.

Under high pressures, materials can exhibit unique properties that cannot be observed under normal conditions. This allows for the study of phase transitions, changes in crystal structure, and electronic and magnetic properties. By controllably altering the parameters of the crystal lattice under pressure, it becomes possible to uncover the relationship between the properties of electronic and lattice subsystems.

Research in strong magnetic fields, in turn, provides information about the details of the electronic spectrum structure of crystalline materials and determines the most important magnetic characteristics of superconductors, such as magnetic susceptibility and the values of upper critical fields. The “0.3K/21T” measurement setup allows operation in a constant field mode, significantly expanding its applicability in various types of experiments.

Research directions

The primary focus of the group’s work is the study of the physical properties of new quantum materials, nanostructures, and superconductors in ultrahigh magnetic fields (up to 21 T), under high pressures (up to 30 kbar), and at low temperatures (down to 0.3 K).

General view of the cryomagnetic system ‘0.3K/21T’ and an example of mounted samples of the topological insulator Bi2Se3 prepared for measurement

Equipment for transport measurements under hydrostatic pressure

Main results

1. For the first time, the magnetotransport properties of semimetallic HgTe quantum wells in a perpendicular magnetic field were studied over a wide pressure range from 0 to 15.1 kbar. In the high-pressure region above 14 kbar, a sharp transition from metallic to insulating conductivity was observed upon decreasing temperature, indicating the emergence of a new electron-hole state in the system;

2. The behavior of the temperature dependence of the diagonal and Hall components of magnetoresistance in high-quality epitaxial films of three-dimensional topological insulators Bi2Se3 was investigated in perpendicular and tilted magnetic fields. Anomalously large values of the electron-electron interaction constant were discovered in these materials, and it was established that the states in the bulk of the film manifest in magnetotransport as two-dimensional not only in weak but also in strong magnetic fields;

3. The transport properties of field-effect structures based on metallic carbon nanotubes were studied. Unusual behavior of current-voltage characteristics was observed under varying temperature and the application of electric and magnetic fields. The observed effect was attributed to the modification of the band structure in the region of metallic contacts due to mechanical deformation of the contact areas.

Group team

Valery A. Prudkoglyad

Group leader | Researcher, PhD

Ilias T. Garifkhanov

MIPT student

Aleksandr S. Putivsky

MIPT student

  • Bannikov, M. I., Selivanov, Y. G., Martovitskii, V. P., Prudkoglyad, V. A., Kuntsevich, A. Y., Doping with FeSe greatly enhances mobility in topological insulator Bi2Se3 single crystals, Journal of Applied Physics. – 2025. – Т. 137. – №. 3.
  • I. V. Zhuvagin, V. A. Vlasenko, A. S. Usoltsev, A. A. Gippius, K. S., Pervakov, A. R. Prishchepa, V. A. Prudkoglyad, S. Yu. Gavrilkin, A. D., Denishchenko & A. V. Sadakov, Synthesis and Properties of a 12442-Family Superconductor, JETP Letters. – 2024. – Т. 120. – №. 4. – С. 277-283
  • Gayduchenko I., Prudkoglyad V. A., Kuntsevich A., Contact-driven deformation of metallic carbon nanotubes observed from an unconventional field effect, Physical Review B. – 2024. – Т. 109. – №.16. – С. L161401
  • A. Almoalem, I. Silber, S. Sandik, M. Lotem, A. Ribak, Y. Nitzav, A. Yu. Kuntsevich, O. A. Sobolevskiy, Yu. G. Selivanov, V. A. Prudkoglyad, M. Shi, L. Petaccia, M. Goldstein, Y. Dagan, and A. Kanigel , Link between superconductivity and a Lifshitz transition in intercalated Bi2Se3, Physical Review B. – 2021. – Т.103. – №. 17. – С. 174518
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