Topological Materials and Nanostructures

An experimental study in physics consists of three key components: the research problem, the sample, and the methodology. For scientific research to be engaging and meaningful, all three components must be of high quality, with at least one of them being novel. Our young and cohesive team strives to cover the entire research process: we create our own samples, refine methodologies, and actively participate in formulating research problems and interpreting results. Students join this creative process starting from their second year, while the technological nanocluster and the engineering school at FIAN provide a solid foundation for exciting discoveries. We are simultaneously exploring several topics related to narrow-gap semiconductors, layered materials, their optical properties, superconductivity, photodetection, and the fabrication techniques of our samples.

Van der Waals heterostructures are stacks of thin (down to monolayer) layered materials assembled mechanically, exhibiting fundamentally new optical, transport, magnetic, and superconducting properties. These structures cannot form naturally or be grown synthetically. In our group, we assemble such heterostructures and investigate their unique properties, aiming to create prototypes for future microelectronic devices, electrically controlled superconductivity, radiation detectors and emitters, and to study new interfacial phenomena. Working with two-dimensional and layered materials, we discovered that they possess a wealth of unexplored optical properties. Another class of materials we study is topological insulators—a type of narrow-gap semiconductor with surface states protected from scattering due to band inversion. The non-local nature of these states and the spin-momentum coupling in them have attracted significant attention. Working with small-scale objects has required us to develop new tools, including custom-designed microscopes, lithography systems, and novel fabrication processes, which has opened up a vast area for innovation and discovery.

Research Directions

1. Electrically and optically induced superconductivity in two-dimensional materials and heterostructures;

2. New materials for infrared (IR) photodetection at room temperature;

3. Photoconductivity and photovoltaic phenomena in new quantum materials;

4. Optical and conductive metamaterials based on layered materials;

5. Photolithography and optical microscopy technologies;

6. Properties of edge and surface conductive channels in 2D and 3D topological insulators;

7. Transport properties of three-dimensional topological insulators and two-dimensional systems.

Key achievements

1. First experimental measurement of entropy in two-dimensional systems: Quantization effects in the spectrum in a magnetic field were observed, correlation effects were identified, and the effective masses of heavy charge carriers were measured..
2. Discovery in the nematic superconductor SrₓBi₂Se₃: A connection was found between the direction of symmetry breaking and structural distortions. An unusual temperature dependence of superconducting anisotropy was observed, and the robustness of superconductivity to doping was explained.
3. Development of 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructure technology at FIAN: A series of technical solutions was proposed to simplify the fabrication of complex structures from 2D materials.
4. Observation of nonlinear Hall effect in weak magnetic fields in various 2D systems and topological insulators: Physical mechanisms were proposed to explain these phenomena.
5. Innovative solutions for laboratory equipment: Several designs for custom microscopes, optical cryostats, and mask-based and maskless photolithography systems were developed.

In last 5 years

30 WoS publications

More than 30 conference talks

5 Russian grants

Group team

Alexander Yu. Kuntsevich

Team leader | Leading researcher, PhD

Valery A. Prudkoglyad

Researcher, PhD

Graduate students

Mikhail I. Bannikov

Junior researcher

Aleksey V. Shupletsov

Junior researcher

Sergey G. Martanov

Junior researcher

Mikhail V. Pugachev

Junior researcher

Arslan A. Galliulin

Junior researcher

Elizaveta V. Tarkaeva

Junior researcher

Master students

Valeria A. Ievleva

HSE student | Junior researcher

Mark I. Blumenau

HSE student | Junior researcher

Taisia A. Kamenskaya

HSE student | Junior researcher

Dmitry A. Matienko

HSE student

Miroslav O. Avramchikov

HSE student | Junior researcher

Bachelor students

Georgy Shmakov

HSE student

Daria Vysotskaya

HSE student

Ivan Borisov

HSE student

Evgeny Borisov

HSE student

Konstantin Bazhanov

HSE student

Anastasia Yakovleva

HSE student


Ya. A. Gerasimenko

L. A. Morgun

E. V. Tupikov

M. A. Litskevich

Sh. V. Sandulyanu

S. A. Voloshenuk

M. A. Bryzgalov

N. I. Raginov

N. K. Zhurbina

A. I. Dulebo

M. A. Naumov

  • M. Bannikov, Yu. G. Selivanov, V.P. Martovitskii, V.A. Prudkoglyad,A.Yu. Kuntsevich, Doping with FeSe greatly enhances mobility in topological insulator Bi2Se3 single crystals, Journal of Applied Physics 137, 035102 (2025)
  • E.V. Tarkaeva, V.A. Ievleva, A.I. Duleba, A.V. Muratov, A.M. Ionov, S.G. Protasova, A. Yu. Kuntsevich. Amorphous VOx films with a high temperature coefficient of resistance for bolometric applications grown by reactive e-beam evaporation of V metal. Optical Materials 151, 115378 (2024).
  • I. Gayduchenko, V. A. Prudkoglyad, A. Kuntsevich, Contact-driven deformation of metallic carbon nanotubes  observed from an unconventional field effect, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 109, L161401 (2024). 10.1103/PhysRevB.109.L161401
  • M.I. Blumenau, A.Yu. Kuntsevich, Laser-pump-resistive-probe technique to study nanosecond-scale relaxation processes,  Journal of the Optical Society of America B 41(4), 1060-1068 (2024)
  • A.A. Galiullin, M.V. Pugachev, A.I. Duleba, A.Yu. Kuntsevich, Cost-Effective Laboratory Matrix Projection Micro-Lithography System, Micromachines 15(1), 39 (2024).
  • M. I. Bannikov, R. S. Akzyanov, N. K. Zhurbina, S. I. Khaldeev, Yu. G. Selivanov, V. V. Zavyalov, A. L. Rakhmanov, and A. Yu. Kuntsevich Breaking of Ginzburg-Landau description in the temperature dependence of the anisotropy in a nematic superconductor. Phys. Rev. B 104, L220502 (2021).
  • S.G. Martanov, N.K. Zhurbina, M.V. Pugachev, A.I. Duleba, M.A. Akmaev, V.V. Belykh, A.Y. Kuntsevich, Making van der Waals Heterostructures Assembly Accessible to Everyone, Nanomaterials 10(11), 2305 (2020);
  • A. Yu. Kuntsevich, E. Tupikov, S. A. Dvoretsky, N. N. Mikhailov, and M. Reznikov, Magnetic Susceptibility Measurements in HgTe Quantum Wells in a Perpendicular Magnetic Field, JETP Letters vol 111, no 11 , 633-638 (2020).
  • A. Yu. Kuntsevich, G. M. Minkov, A. A. Sherstobitov, Y. V. Tupikov, N. N. Mikhailov, and S. A. Dvoretsky, Density of states measurements for the heavy subband of holes in HgTe quantum wells, Phys. Rev. B 101, 085301  (2020). 10.1103/PhysRevB.101.085301
  • A.Yu. Kuntsevich, M.A. Bryzgalov, V.A. Prudkoglyad, V.P. Martovitskii, Yu.G. Selivanov, and E.G. Chizhevskii, Structural distortion behind the nematic superconductivity in SrxBi2Se3, New Journal of Physics, 20, 103022 (2018).
  • A. Yu. Kuntsevich, A. V. Shupletsov, G. M. Minkov,  Simple mechanisms that impede the Berry phase identification from magneto-oscillations,  Physical Review B 97, 195431 (2018). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.97.195431
  • V.V. Belykh, A. Yu. Kuntsevich, M.M. Glazov, K.V. Kavokin, D.R. Yakovlev, M. Bayer, Quantum Interference Controls the Electron Spin Dynamics in n-GaAs, Phys. Rev. X 8, 031021 (2018) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevX.8.031021
  • A. Y. Kuntsevich, Y. V. Tupikov, V. M. Pudalov & I. S. Burmistrov. Strongly correlated two-dimensional plasma explored from entropy measurements Nature Communications 6,7298 (2015)
  • A.Yu. Kuntsevich, L.A. Morgun, V.M. Pudalov, Electron-electron interaction correction and magnetoresistance in tilted fields in Si-based two-dimensional systems, Phys. Rev. B 87, 205406 (2013). DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.87.205406
  • N. Teneh, A. Yu. Kuntsevich, V. M. Pudalov, and M. Reznikov;Spin-Droplet State of an Interacting 2D Electron System; Physical Review Letters 109, 226403 (2012).
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